Prathap Valuers

D. Prathapasinghe FRICSChartered Valuation Surveyor & Managing Director


Chartered Valuation Surveyor, BSc. Est. Mgt. & Val. (sp) (Hons) (SJP), MBA (UK), PG Dip Eco. Dev. (Colombo), Dip. Surv. (Reading -UK), FRICS (UK), FIV (SL), ASLID

  • 28+ years in property valuation and consultancy
  • 8 years with Sri Lanka’s Department of Valuation
  • Managing Director of Prathap Chartered Valuation & Consultancy (Pvt) Ltd
  • National Project Director for IFAD’s Post-Tsunami Coastal Rehabilitation (2010-2014)
  • RICS Sri Lanka Executive Council: Secretary (2018-2022), now Senior Vice Chairman
  • APC Assessor for RICS membership candidates
  • Frequent Speaker at real estate and valuation conferences

Mr. Prathapsinghe is a highly experienced and respected Senior Chartered Valuation Surveyor, with over 30 years of experience in Property Valuation, Real Estate Management and Consultancy. He has been involved in many prestigious positions during his career, including serving with the Department of Valuation in Sri Lanka as well as serving as the National Project Director for the Post-Tsunami Coastal Rehabilitation Project which was funded by IFAD and implemented by the Ministry of Fisheries Sri Lanka.

In addition to this impressive professional background, Mr. Prathapsinghe has also served on numerous international delegations such being selected to lead Sri Lankan Delegation for Ship for World Youth – 2001 (Nippon Maru) Conducted by the Government of Japan, he has also represented the United Nations Food & Agricultural Organization (FAO) Coffee Meeting 2012 a delegation from Sri Lanka representing his country at an international level. Currently, Mr. Prathap is the Managing Director of Prathap Chartered Valuation & Consultancy Pvt Ltd., where he brings all these valuable experiences together to provide high-quality services related to property valuation and consultancy works.

He was also served as the Secretary of the RICS Sri Lanka Executive Council from 2018 to 2022. Since then he has been serving as Senior Vice President of the Council. His role also includes conducting Candidate Assessments for RICS Membership through his capacity as an APC Assessor and training APC candidates as APC Counsellor. Furthermore, Mr. Prathapasinghe’s expertise has seen him being invited multiple times over recent years by various conferences, forums, and discussions on Real Estate Valuation & Development related topics where he serves either as a panelist or guest speaker or the moderator roles with great success demonstrating his vast knowledge in the subject area. He has made a significant contribution to the industry policymaking and expansion of RICS presence in Sri Lanka as well as South Asian Region.

Latest Publications

  • Channel Eye නාලිකාවේ BUSINESS TODAY වැඩසටහනේදී වරලත් තක්සේරුවේදී ප්‍රතාපසිංහ මහතා කල සාකච්ඡාව

    Channel Eye නාලිකාවේ BUSINESS TODAY වැඩසටහනේදී වරලත් තක්සේරුවේදී ප්‍රතාපසිංහ මහතා කල සාකච්ඡාව 2023 සැප්තැම්බර් මස විසිහත් වන දින Channel Eye නාලිකාවේ BUSINESS TODAY වැඩසටහනට එක් වීමට වරලත් තක්සේරුවේදී ප්‍රතාපසිංහ මහතාට අවස්ථාව හිමි විය. ඉතාමත්ම හරවත් සාකච්ඡාවක් ලෙස ගොඩනැගුණු මෙම සාකච්ඡාවට   Need help? Chat with us! Got questions or need guidance before starting? Our

    September 28, 2023
  • වාහනයක වටිනාකම තක්සේරු කීරීමේ ක්‍රමවේද සහ එය කලයුත්තේ කවුරුන් විසින්ද?

    වාහනයක වටිනාකම තක්සේරු කීරීමේ ක්‍රමවේද සහ එය කලයුත්තේ කවුරුන් විසින්ද? සැප්තැම්බර් මස 18 වැනි දින ITN නාලිකාවේ හත්වෙනි පැය වැඩසටහනට එක්වූ වරලත් තක්සේරුවේදී ඩී ප්‍රතාපසිංහ මහතා නිශ්චල සහ චංචල දේපළ තක්සේරුකරණ සම්බන්ධයෙන් වටිනා අදහස් රැසක් ඉදිරිපත් කළේය. Need help? Chat with us! Got questions or need guidance before starting? Our friendly support team is

    September 19, 2023
  • වෙළදපොලේ සමාන දේපොළ තිබේද? දේපොළ වටිනාකම් වෙනස් වන්නේ කොහොමද?

    වෙළදපොලේ සමාන දේපොළ තිබේද? දේපොළ වටිනාකම් වෙනස් වන්නේ කොහොමද? සැප්තැම්බර් මස 18 වැනි දින ITN නාලිකාවේ හත්වෙනි පැය වැඩසටහනට එක්වූ වරලත් තක්සේරුවේදී ඩී ප්‍රතාපසිංහ මහතා නිශ්චල සහ චංචල දේපළ තක්සේරුකරණ සම්බන්ධයෙන් වටිනා අදහස් රැසක් ඉදිරිපත් කළේය.   Need help? Chat with us! Got questions or need guidance before starting? Our friendly support team is

    September 19, 2023

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+94 11 2865511
No-29, Rajamalwatta Road, Battaramulla, Colombo.

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